Bolivian dolphin delivery

March 30th, 2011 Posted in Blog: nature, environment, science, astronomy | No Comments »

National Geographic published an article by Catherine Zuckerman in a recent issue that, for me, was a small light of hope in the chasm of mass animal-cruelty that has become common in this world.

Bolivia apparently only has one cetacean, the pink river dolphin.  According to National Geographic magazine, last spring 20 of them got stuck in a shallow section of the Pailas River.  Enzo Aliaga-Rossel and his team spent 12 days capturing, transporting and releasing the trapped mammals three hours away on the Grande.

It has been reported that ALL of the dolphins were saved.  Such uplifting news, small numbers, but it matters to each one of those souls who were saved.  Thank you for the great job and I hope the attitude spreads!