November is Vegan Month

November 2nd, 2011 Posted in Blog: nature, environment, science, astronomy | No Comments »

Happy Vegan Month!

For those interested in what veganism is all about, see The Vegan Society’s website on what veganism is and why people turn to a vegan lifestyle.

Essentially, a vegan does not eat, use, consume or approve of the use of animal products in any way.  This includes, as far as possible, avoiding:

  • eating meat, eggs, dairy and honey
  • wearing leather, silk or wool
  • purchasing consumer items that contain animal products such as lanolin, shellac, propolis and beeswax
  • using products or services where animal testing or animal experiments are used, such as some cosmetics and disease research companies
  • using services that make use of animal exploitation or animal cruelty,  such as animal racing and circuses with animals
  • taking part in sports or activities that involve the killing of animals, such as hunting or culling (See Animal Aid‘s website for more information on animal rights.)


It’s not always possible to avoid all of the above, since it’s not possible to know every process used to make each product or service on the market.  However, the main goal is to promote animal rights by leading a compassionate lifestyle.  Such a lifestyle automatically has a positive knock-on effect on environmental and health problems.

See for more information on veganism.

Also see for more information on animal rights.